
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-05-02 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問(wèn):


華中科技大學(xué)建筑與城市規(guī)劃學(xué)院建筑學(xué)系介紹 正文

原華中理工大學(xué)建筑學(xué)系成立于1982年,當(dāng)年招收本科生,次年招收碩士研究生;學(xué)校聘畢業(yè)于美國(guó)哥倫比亞大學(xué)的周卜頤教授出任首屆系主任,多位國(guó)內(nèi)知名教授參與創(chuàng)系。1999年建筑學(xué)專業(yè)本科及研究生教育通過(guò)國(guó)家專業(yè)教育評(píng)估。   原武漢城建學(xué)院是經(jīng)國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)的我國(guó)第一所城建學(xué)院,是建設(shè)部直屬高校之一。1986年武漢城建學(xué)院開辦建筑學(xué)專業(yè)。 2000年原華中理工大學(xué)建筑學(xué)院與武漢城建學(xué)院規(guī)劃建筑系合并,兩校的建筑學(xué)專業(yè)實(shí)現(xiàn)整合,2003年,合校后的建筑學(xué)專業(yè)順利通過(guò)國(guó)家本科及研究生專業(yè)教育評(píng)估。2007年及2014年本專業(yè)本科及研究生教育通過(guò)國(guó)家專業(yè)教育評(píng)估,并獲得雙優(yōu)秀級(jí)。在2012年教育部學(xué)位與研究生教育發(fā)展中心進(jìn)行的全國(guó)建筑學(xué)學(xué)科評(píng)估(專業(yè)排名)中并列第9。 
多年來(lái)本系學(xué)生曾獲國(guó)際建協(xié)一等獎(jiǎng)及國(guó)際景觀學(xué)會(huì)大獎(jiǎng),學(xué)生參加國(guó)內(nèi)大學(xué)生設(shè)計(jì)競(jìng)賽更是獲獎(jiǎng)?lì)l繁,早年的畢業(yè)生均已成為國(guó)內(nèi)各大設(shè)計(jì)院的主要技術(shù)骨干,有些校友成為美國(guó)、歐洲及香港建筑事務(wù)所的主持建筑師,多位校友在諸如美國(guó)哈佛、加州伯克利及荷蘭delft大學(xué)等世界知名大學(xué)獲得博士學(xué)位后成為美國(guó)、香港、中國(guó)清華大學(xué)、東南大學(xué)及同濟(jì)大學(xué)等著名大學(xué)建筑學(xué)系的教師。  30年來(lái)建筑學(xué)系堅(jiān)持國(guó)際化辦學(xué)模式,與美國(guó)哈佛、MIT、IIT、亞利桑那、佛羅里達(dá)大學(xué)、德國(guó)慕尼黑工大、Detmold建筑學(xué)院、日本東京大學(xué)、法國(guó)Val de seine 建筑學(xué)院、Nante建筑學(xué)院、荷蘭Delft理工大學(xué)、挪威Bergen建筑學(xué)院及Fiuni建筑學(xué)院等保持著密切的合作。目前已與美國(guó)亞利桑那、北卡羅萊納州立大學(xué)、英國(guó)紐卡斯?fàn)柤坝?guó)鄧迪大學(xué)簽署4+1+1聯(lián)合培養(yǎng)協(xié)議,與美國(guó)弗羅里達(dá)大學(xué)簽有雙碩士協(xié)議。   本系完成的“營(yíng)造開放式育人環(huán)境,培養(yǎng)創(chuàng)造性建筑學(xué)人才”教改項(xiàng)目獲得湖北省優(yōu)秀教改成果一等獎(jiǎng),國(guó)家教育部?jī)?yōu)秀教改成果二等獎(jiǎng)。建筑設(shè)計(jì)課程被評(píng)為湖北省重點(diǎn)學(xué)科。 2013年,建筑學(xué)被評(píng)為湖北省重點(diǎn)一級(jí)學(xué)科。  
建筑學(xué)專業(yè)本科培養(yǎng)目標(biāo)為職業(yè)建筑師,畢業(yè)生可獲得國(guó)際認(rèn)證的專業(yè)學(xué)位:建筑學(xué)學(xué)士。本系碩士招生分為六個(gè)學(xué)科方向:建筑設(shè)計(jì)及其理論(國(guó)際認(rèn)證的專業(yè)碩士學(xué)位)、建筑歷史與理論、建筑技術(shù)科學(xué)、城市設(shè)計(jì)、建筑遺產(chǎn)保護(hù)及室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì);本系具有建筑學(xué)一級(jí)學(xué)科博士點(diǎn)和一級(jí)學(xué)科博士后流動(dòng)站。  本系現(xiàn)有專職教師39名,其中教授10人,副教授16人,講師12人,另有來(lái)自國(guó)內(nèi)外的全職客座教師3名(不等)。其中19人具有博士學(xué)位,大部分教師具有國(guó)外留學(xué)或進(jìn)修的經(jīng)歷,多位教師在國(guó)內(nèi)外不同學(xué)術(shù)組織任職。自1982年以來(lái),本系教師共承接國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金20余項(xiàng),教師及研究生完成的大批設(shè)計(jì)作品曾獲聯(lián)合國(guó)教科文組織、國(guó)家級(jí)及省部級(jí)設(shè)計(jì)獎(jiǎng)。 
副系主任:劉剴 姜梅 劉小虎 
The Department of Architecture was founded in 1982 in the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and the undergraduate program was first enrolled in the same year while the postgraduate program was established in the following year. Prof. Zhou Puyi who graduated from Columbia University of America in 1947 had engaged as the first head of the department, and also several famous Chinese architectural professors participated in the department creation. A large number of teachers have been designated by the Department to study abroad successively. Therefore, the Department has been well equipped from the starting point and has accumulated abundant academic and professional experiences. In May 1999, the Department successfully passed two national accreditations, one is the undergraduate program of the architectural discipline education, and the other one is the master program of architectural design and its theory. 
Wuhan Urban Construction College was the first institute for urban construction in New China, established with the approval of the State Council. It is one of the institutes that were directly affiliated with the national Ministry of Construction. The program of architectural discipline education was started in 1986. 
In 2000, the former Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan Urban Construction College merged into Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), integrating the programs of architectural discipline education to school of architecture and urban planning. After that, the program successfully passed the Architectural Accreditation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education in 2003.The Department of Architecture passed the Architectural Accreditation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education again in 2007 and 2014, and they also respectively achieved excellent level of evaluation results. The Department of Architecture ranked No.9 in 2012 China Discipline Ranking (CDR) organized by China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. 
Our students have participated in many kinds of competitions and won numerous honors, including the first price of International Union of Architects (UIA) and International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) student competitions awards. Some of our early graduates have become backbones in some China high-level architectural design institutes. Some others have worked as main architect in American and European architecture firms. A number of alumnus have been awarded PhD degrees by lots of world-renowned universities like Harvard, University of California, Berkeley, and Delft University of Technology, and then joined many famous universities both in China and abroad. 
For more than thirty years, the Department of Architecture has adhered to international teaching models. We have maintained continuous and close cooperation with many other colleges and universities including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Arizona, North Carolina State University, University of Florida, Technical University of Munich, Detmold School of Architecture in Germany, University of Tokyo, Paris-Val de Seine Architecture School, Nantes Architectural Institute in France, Delft University of Technology, Bergen School of Architecture, and Fiuni School of Architecture in Norway and so on. The architectural design courses have been approved as provincial key disciplines of Hubei. The main goal of the architecture educational reform programs for undergraduates is aiming to cultivate professional architects. Students will get an international certificated degree: the Bachelor of Architecture. The postgraduate course system is composed of three research fields: Architecture Design and its Theory, Architectural History & Theory, Building Technology, Urban Design, Cultural Heritage Conservation and Interior Design. The Department of Architecture can confer the degrees of Bachelor of Architecture, Master of Architecture, Master of Engineering (Building Technology) and Doctor of Engineering (Architectural Design & Theory), with a post-doctoral station.   
The Department now has 47 teachers, including 10 professors, 19 associate professors, and 15 lecturers, in which there are 26 teachers with PhD Degree. There are about 3 full time guest teachers from both domestic and overseas all year round. Most of the teachers have experiences of oversea study or advanced study abroad. Some of them are members of domestic or international academic organizations and academic journals. Since 1982, our department researchers have undertaken more than twenty projects of China National Science Foundation. A large number of design works have been done by our teachers and postgraduate students, and won UNESCO, national and provincial design awards.  
Head of the department of architecture: TAN Gangyi 
Associate Head of the department of architecture:LIU Kai, JIANG Mei, LIU Xiaohu 
Chairman of the professor committee in department of architecture: WANG Yuan 
2. 師資力量: 
教授9名:李保峰、汪  原、李曉峰、周  衛(wèi)、陳  宏、譚剛毅、趙  逵、劉  剴、徐  燊、 
副教授12名:黃  濤、劉  暉、楊  毅、郝少波、劉小虎、管凱雄、彭  雷、姜梅、萬(wàn)  謙、邱  靜、沈伊瓦、雷祖康、
講師15名:龔志剛、李  純、王愛國(guó)、羅  宏、管毓剛、徐怡靜、范向光、王振、周鈺、周雪帆、陳秋瑜、湯詩(shī)曠、白曉霞、雷晶晶、王璽、
客座教授28名:Thomas Herzog、吳漢榆、王維仁、高介華、向欣然、曹亮功、王友明、趙冰、桂學(xué)文、郭和平、龐偉、侯勁、吳洪濱、黎志濤、雷 翔、沈海寧、李保盛、劉德川、沈世瑩、陳海忠、鄧曉紅、王斯波、謝安定、李穎、何建宏、金薇、馮雅、杜文英 


華中科技大學(xué)考研公眾號(hào) 考研派小站公眾號(hào)

