
發(fā)布時間:2015-07-12 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:導(dǎo)師


南京農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院導(dǎo)師信息:楊志敏 正文

楊志敏 教授

  楊志敏,生命科學(xué)學(xué)院生物化學(xué)與分子生物學(xué)教授、博士生導(dǎo)師,植物營養(yǎng)學(xué)博士。2000-2002年獲得日本學(xué)術(shù)振興會(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS)資助赴日本香川大學(xué)從事博士后研究工作。2007年5-8月獲德國學(xué)術(shù)中心(Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst,DAAD)資助, 赴德國Justus-Liebig University, Giessen進行學(xué)術(shù)交流訪問。從事植物養(yǎng)分生理、生物化學(xué)和分子機理的研究工作。曾主持過國家自然科學(xué)基金3項和留學(xué)回國人員基金項目1項,主持過江蘇省自然科學(xué)基金項目1項;主持和參與國家863項目各1項;參與教育部科學(xué)技術(shù)研究重點項目1項。目前主持國家自然科學(xué)基金項目和教育部博士點基金項目各一項。
  (3)《生物化學(xué)》獲江蘇省優(yōu)秀課程(二等),2004年,主持, 江蘇省教育廳
  Chen J, Yang ZM, Su Y, Han FX, Monts DL. 2009. Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal/Metalloid-Contaminated Soils. In: Steinberg RV Steinberg RV (Eds.), Contaminated Soils: Environmental Impact, Disposal and Treatment. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. NY, USA.
  Zhou ZS, Zeng HQ, Liu ZP, Yang ZM*. 2012. Genome-wide identification of Medicagotruncatula microRNAs and their targets reveals their differential regulation by heavy metal. Plant, Cell and Environment35: 86–99
  Shen Q, Jiang M, Li H, Che LL, Yang ZM*. 2011. Expression of a Brassica napus heme oxygenase confers plant tolerance to mercury toxicity. Plant, Cell and Environment 34, 752–763.
  Wei YY, Zheng Q, Liu ZP, Yang ZM*. 2011. Regulation of tolerance of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to heavy metal toxicity by heme oxygenase-1 and carbon monoxide. Plant and Cell Physiology.52:1665-1675
  Zheng Q, Meng Q, Wei YY, Yang ZM*. 2011.Alleviation of copper-induced oxidative damage in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by carbon monoxide. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61: 220–227.
  Meng DK, Chen J, Yang ZM*. 2011. Enhancement of tolerance of India mustard (Brassica juncea) to mercury by carbon monoxide. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186: 1823–1829.
  Wang JJ, Liu F, Chen XS, Ma XJ, Zeng HQ, Yang ZM*. 2010. Transcriptome profiling of early developing cotton fibre by deep-sequencing reveals significantly differential expression of genes in a fuzzless/lintless mutant. Genomics 96: 369–376.
  Elbaz A, Wei YY, Meng Q, Zheng Q, Yang ZM*. 2010. Mercury-induced oxidative stress and impact on antioxidant enzymes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Ecotoxicology 19:1285–1293.
  Huang SQ, Xiang AL, Che LL, Chen S, Li Hui, Song JB, Yang ZM*. 2010. A set of miRNAs from Brassica napus in response to sulfate-deficiency and cadmium stress. Plant Biotechnology Journal 8:887-899.
  Steffens D, Leppin T, Luschin-Ebengreuth N, Yang ZM, Schuber S. 2010. Organic soil phosphorus considerably contributes to plant nutrition but is neglected by routine soil-testing methods. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173: 765-771.
  Zeng HQ, Zhu YY, Huang SQ, Yang ZM*. 2010. Analysis of phosphorus-deficient responsive miRNAs and cis-elements from soybean (Glycine max L.). Journal of Plant Physiology 167:1289-1297.
  Kong WW, Yang ZM*. 2010. Identification of iron-deficiency responsive microRNA genes and cis-elements in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 48: 153-159.
  Kong WW, Zhang LP, Guo K, Lui ZP, Yang ZM*. 2010. Carbon monoxide improves adaptation of Arabidopsis to iron deficiency. Plant Biotech J 8:88-99.
  Zhu YY, Zeng HQ, Dong CX, Yin XM, Shen QR, Yang ZM*. 2009. microRNA expression profiles associated with phosphorus deficiency in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) Plant Science 178: 23–29.
  Kwak PB, Wang QQ, Chen XS, Qiu CX, Yang ZM*. 2009. Enrichment of a set of microRNAs during the cotton fiber development. BMC Genomics. 10: 457.
  Huang SQ, Peng J, Qiu CX, Yang ZM*. 2009. Heavy metal-regulated new microRNAs from rice. J Inorganic Biochem. 103:282-287.
  Guo K, Kong WW, Yang ZM*. 2009.Carbon monoxide promotes root hair development in tomato. Plant, and Cell Environment. 32: 1033–1045.
  Cui X, Xu SM, Mu DS, Yang ZM*. 2009. Genomic analysis of rice microRNA promoters and clusters. Gene. 431: 61-66.
  Zhou ZS, Guo K, Elbaz AA, Yang ZM*. 2009. Salicylic acid alleviates mercury toxicity by preventing oxidative stress in roots of Medicago sativa. Environ & Experi Bot. 65: 27–34.
  Chen J, Shiyab S. Han FX, Monts DL, Waggoner CA, Yang ZM, Su Y. 2009. Bioaccumulation and physiological effects of mercury in Pteris vittata and Nephrolepis exaltata. Ecotoxicology. 18:110-121.
  Xue YJ, Tao L, Yang ZM*. 2008 Aluminum-induced cell wall peroxidase activity and lignin synthesis are differentially regulated by jasmonate and nitric oxide. J Agri Food Chem. 56: 9676–9684.
  Zhou ZS, Wang SJ, Yang ZM*. 2008. Bioinformatic identification and expression analysis of new microRNAs from Medicago truncatula. Biochem Biophy Res Comm. 374: 538–542.
  Zhang LP, Mehta SK, Liu ZP, Yang ZM*. 2008. Copper-induced proline synthesis is associated with nitric oxide generation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell Physiol. 49:411-419.
  Guo K, Xia K, Yang ZM*. 2008. Regulation of tomato lateral root development by carbon monoxide and involvement in auxin and nitric oxide. J Exp Bot. 59: 3443–3452.
  Zhou ZS, Wang SJ, Yang ZM*. 2008. Biological detection and analysis of mercury toxicity to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants. Chemosphere. 70: 1500-1509.
  Guo Q, Xiang AL, Yang Q, Qiu CX, Yang ZM*. 2007. Bioinformatic identification of microRNAs and their target genes from Solanum tuberosum expressed sequence tags. Chin Sci Bullen. 52:1656-1664.
  Hu LB, Shi ZQ, Zhang T, Yang ZM* 2007. Fengycins antibiotics isolated from B-FS01 culture inhibit growth of Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon ATCC 38932. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 272:91-98.
  Qiu CX, Xie FL, Zhu YY, Guo K, Huang SQ, Nie L, Yang ZM*. 2007. Computational identification of microRNAs and their targets in Gossypium hirsutum expressed sequence tags. Gene. 395:49-61.
  Xie FL, Huang SQ, Guo K, Zhu YY, Nie L, Yang ZM*. 2007. Computational identification of novel microRNAs and targets in Brassica napus. FEBS Letters. 581:1464-1473.
  Sun XM, Lu Bo, Xu LL, Wang SQ, Mehta SK, Yang ZM*. 2007. Coordinated expression of sulfate transporters and its relation with sulfur metabolites in Brassica napus exposed to cadmium. Bot Studies. 48:43-54.
  Zhou ZS, Huang SQ, Guo K, Mehta SK, Zhang PC, Yang ZM*. 2007. Metabolic adaptations to mercury-induced oxidative stress in roots of Medicago sativa L. J Inorganic Biochem.101:1-9.
  Xue YJ, Xie FL, Yang ZM*. 2006. Negative regulation of aluminum-responsive citrate efflux from roots of Cassia tora by an anion channel antagonist. Botanical Studies. 47:137-144.
  Song NH, Yang ZM*, Zhou LX, Wu X, Yang H. 2006. Effect of dissolved organic matter on the toxicity of chlorotoluron to Triticum aestivum. J Environ Sci. 18:119-126.
  Wang YS, Yang ZM*. 2005. Nitric oxide reduces aluminum toxicity by preventing oxidative stress in the roots of Cassia tora L. Plant Cell Physiol. 46:1915-1923.
  Yang H, Wu X, Zhou LX, Yang ZM*. 2005. Effect of dissolved organic matter on chlorotoluron sorption and desorption in soils. Pedosphere. 15:432-439.
  Sun X, Sun XM, Yang ZM*, Li SQ, Wang J, Wang SH. 2005. Expression of Brassica napus-glutamylcysteine synthetase, low- and high-affinity sulfate transporters in response to excess cadmium. J Inter Plant Biol. 47: 243-250.
  Wang YS, Wang J, Yang ZM*, Lu B, Wang QY, Li SQ, Lu YP, Wang SH, Sun X. 2004. Salicylic acid modulates aluminum-induced oxidative stress in roots of Cassia tora L. Acta Bot Sin. 46:819-828.
  Yang ZM*, Yang H, Wang J, Wang YS. 2004. Aluminum regulation of citrate metabolism for Al-induced citrate efflux in the roots of Cassia tora L. Plant Sci. 166:1589–1594.
  Wang SH, Yang ZM*, Lu B, Li SQ, Lu YP. 2004. Copper-induced stress and antioxidative responses in roots of Brassica juncea L. Bot Bull Acade Sin. 45:203-212.
  Yang ZM*, Wang J, Wang SW, Xu LL. 2003. Salicylic acid-induced aluminum tolerance by modulation of citrate efflux from roots of Cassia tora L. Planta. 217:168-174. 以上老師的信息來源于學(xué)校網(wǎng)站,如有更新或錯誤,請聯(lián)系我們進行更新或刪除,聯(lián)系方式


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